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Mahim and back

Thinking about the human conditions in slums is stressful. Most of humanity is poor but they do not live in slums. The basic fabric of the society is broken down by arbitrary power play in creating subhuman conditions. Normal natural systems stabilize when instability develops, but economic instability widens the separation between the rich and poor. The rich get richer by exploiting the poor and the poor rationalize with the pretext of family and survival. Economic instability is like cancer to the planet. Like cancer, the society develops aggressive groups who invade more docile communities. The invading group makes a survival plan at the cost of the occupied objects. They supply food and water such that occupied groups can nourish the invader. It is a mask of terrorism without a weapon. After consuming one area the invader can move to another area. The human body eventually perishes, so is likely the long term fate of the planet. Rebellions and agitations provide temporary relief. The human mind must change, the body must get rid of the cancer. We are proceeding to Mahim. Mahim is one of the seven islands that make the Mumbai city. It had a strong Christian presence and is known for it beach and waterfront. Some of the film personalities I knew lived in Mahim. The next town was Bandra. There were many new developments in the town. My niece lived in one of the modern high rise buildings. The buildings are secure with guards and identity checks. The guard tried to buzz the apartment but there was no response. I was worried if something ontoward happened. I could not get my uncle on the telephone either. I waited for half hour and then gave up. I left my offering bag with the guards. I learned later that the family was stuck in traffic and the telephone was turned off. Certain efforts do not succeed. We simply try. The journey home was remarkably faster. I stopped by at a shopping mall to check out stores and goods. To my surprise, all stores were parts of various international chains. The local cotton products were not to be found in the city stores. The buyers were middle class youth and professional families. It was not clear if the goods were conveyed to create a taste or if the buyers liked the tight-fitting products. It seemed there was a whole generation of people that did not use home grown products. It is a form of new slavery. I picked up some summer fruits on my way and reached home about 7 PM. This was my last evening in Mumbai. Mumbai was my familiar visiting place when I was a student at Pune. I would come to use the computer facility at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, a center on the sea established late Dr. Homi Bhava. The elder Tata in the early twentieth century helped develop the modern steel industry in India. The family made a strong presence in India's social and intellectual scene through their philanthropy. Modern Mumbai's style and sophistication are strongly influenced by the Parsees, a community that left Iran after Islamic takeover in 700AD. A tight community, Parsees are a dying breed.

I had to pack my bags to get ready for my morning flight to Chennai. The maid had gone home and I did not see the clothes I had given for washing. Jitendra told me that they had been picked up for pressing and would show up later in the evening. Some parts of Mumbai work through the night, but I did not know if laundry people would work in the night. There also was the question of transportation. But I was helpless. We had to wait. Jitendra and I chatted about Mumbai and life. I admired his independence in conduct of life. His father was 97 and maintained an active life. His good health could owe to his stay in his village among his own family and friends. Good air and fresh food are more to good health than comfort and medication. Jitendra's younger son had decided to relocate to Mumbai and that could be a company. Planning for the old age is a task. The energy level decreases and gradually a person could lose independence. In the west, the elders are sent to Elderly homes to simulate group living or they could be sent to Nursing homes to be under medical care. Such models are also on rise in India. Old India experimented many models finally to settle on the celebration of the wisdom of the old. The new India emulates the west. The world would have to restart the discovery of the conduct of life. It might find India's wisdom again. The TV was talking about the construction of a new wooden deity at Puri, my native town. A two hundred foot high temple exists there for a thousand years. The temple has been in active service, making it a pilgrim center for the Hindus. The preparation of food in the Temple and the grandeur of colors and decoration produce strong sensory impact. The deities are constructed out of wood and redone every fifteen to twenty years to give them a fresh look. Superstition surrounds a package that gets transferred from the old deity to the new construction. The faith demands acceptance. The Jagannatha deity is a symbolic icon of religious faith of all Oriya-speaking people. The shape and wood construction give the deity a primitive tribal image. In the Oriya faith, the deity is a friend. The greatest exhibition of respect to the deity is a public ecstatic embrace. Such a festival was looming in a week. It was a major annual event in my native area when millions would assemble. It was made special with the new construction. The year could attract twenty million people from around the country and abroad. It is an event of drama and devotion.

We had simple supper. I made some phone calls. Then I expressed my thankfulness to Jitendra for hosting me during my visit to Mumbai. We both waited for the laundryman to call. Jitendra made phone calls to track the person. Finally the clothes came home about 10 in the night. Having done my tour, I packed my luggage. I got ready for the flight and slept.

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