Early Indians coined a word "rasa" to assign signature to an object. "rasa" has no physical manifesation but is experienced when we...

Blessings in Mumbai
I left Boston June 22 and reached Mumbai June 24 by an Air France flight. I stayed a couple of days with my old college friend Sri J. K....

Thailand and World Sanskrit Conference
The Malaysaian Airways flight went via Kualalumpur. I reached Bangkok about 10:30 AM on the 27th June. Prem Nagar, one of the...

Stay at Holiday Inn
Holiday Inn is a world-wide chain, the current hotel is a massive structure. Bangkok is known for its tourist industry and the city and...

Touring Bangkok
To get up lonely in a large room in a foreign hotel is a different experience. I had slept late, so lingered in bed a bit longer and got...

Departure from Bangkok
By talking to people and reading the literature, I have learned that the Thai royal household still maintains the royal "rajguru", the...

Bayon (Brahma!)
One notices that the stones are stacked one over the other and there is no grout or mortar. There is also no iron rod or plate...

Angkor Wat
Mornings come early in the tropics. Because of the uniformity of day and night, the earth-bound creatures follow a sunlight-oriented...

Vegetarian Lunch and visit to Angkor National Museum
Angkor Wat was much less wooded than the other sites I had visited. I was unprepared for the enormity of the place. My decision of...

Inscriptions, script, alphabet
The similarity of the Khmer alphabet to the Oriya alphabet fascinated me. The Oriya alphabet has not been easy to be classified because...