There was a small reception following the talk and many students and Faculty members came by to talk personally. I appreciated the enthusiasm. People of India are good thinkers. Long foreign rule had created a perception of dependence. People like me would not appreciate the family condition and the support structure of a budding student or a young Faculty member in the current setting. In Sanskrit research India can be completely original and lead the world. Prof. Jha gave me a ride back to the "gate." My cousin Pradeep showed up in his tiny car. Some of the light Indian designed automobiles might not be considered road-worthy in the west. Pradeep works as an attorney in India's Supreme Court. He is the youngest family member in my deceased maternal uncle's family. The uncle, the second brother below my mother passed away through a stroke at the young age of 62. This was 1997. Uncle Sri Birendra was a teacher and a guardian to me. His oldest son Jitendra lived in Delhi and was known as a caring tutor Jitendra passed away through a stroke at the tender age of 39. His wife and daughter lived in Delhi. Jitendra married in a local Punjabi family, that had been rooted in Delhi for many generations. Punjabis are farmers and cherish their independence. They are down to earth and are extremely loyal. Punjab gave rise to India's early literature in the form of the Vedas. The acclaimed Indian values were experimented over the lands in the river valleys of Punjab. With strong physique and unpretentious conduct, Punjab offers the best among the India's offerings to the world.. Pradeep drove me to a local temple where we met Jitendra's widow Ruby and her daughter Yasna. Ruby has taken upon herself to raise the little Yasna who is in Middle School. Yasna is an impressive little girl with an artistic mind. I have been an admirer of her mannerisms and style. She has the best handwriting of any oneI know of. She is excellent with numbers. Jitendra would have been extremely proud of her. I support her studies what I can. Four of us went to a local snack bar to sit down and spend time together. The afternoon traffic in Delhi is atrocious, the short distance took us an hour to reach We chatted a bit about their life and Yasna's school. She attended an English medium school for gifted children and had a long commute. Travel and homework consumed her day. Ruby worked in a local Corporate office. Ruby's parents stayed with them. Pradeep dropped by when needed. Jitu was missed. I personally missed him, but I did not express. I am attaching a picture of Yasna. I had to beg leave. I had to catch the return flight early next day morning. Pradeep drove me back to my uncle's house I packed my luggage along with the herbal medicines that the local physician had procured for me. My journey was coming to an end. Even though I wanted to spend more time with my uncle and aunt, my mind was already yearning to look at my home and the spring saplings I had planted in Boston. My uncle and aunt are the kindest people on the planet. Love is pure acceptance, but to find it after one's parents pass away is a blessing! I had a 5 AM flight to Mumbai and then the international flight at 11 AM. I left uncle's home at 3 AM and reached Mumbai in time. With some airport shuttles, we were escorted to our flight to Paris. I had a short lay over in Paris and reached Boston about 6 PM the same day. Prem Nagar and his wife Preeti Nagar were at the airport and gave me a ride home. Thus ended my five week trip to Thailand, Cambodia and India!