Sanskrit scholars from Orissa, Sanskrit play
Orissa is a land of dichotomy. Tucked at the coast with mostly unspoiled landscape, it has developed a rich culture by retaining an old...

Touring Bangkok
To get up lonely in a large room in a foreign hotel is a different experience. I had slept late, so lingered in bed a bit longer and got...

Khon Dance Theater
Though we belonged to a village in Puri, Orissa, I grew up in Cuttack, a town some sixty miles north. Puri is at the sea, Cuttack is...

The flight left Chennai at 7 AM. The east coast travel in India is beautiful. The flight path crosses many big rivers. Most rivers in...

Evening, trip to a movie
Bhuabaneswar has been the center of Orissa administration and culture for several thousand years. King Ashoka from the north invaded...

Visit to the house at Cuttack
My father was born when my grandfather worked as a Minister to a King in the western Orissa (Odisha). These principalities were old...

Meeting College friends and Professor at Bhubaneswar
We are back on the road. The remarkable machine called the auto-rickshaw is an ideal tool for transport in India. It is very efficient...

Sri Jagannatha Conference, meeting an old friend
Independent of the Sri Jagannatha culture, Puri has been a center of creative arts and music for a long time. Oriya as a spoken language...

Visit to Cuttack, Father's ashes, uncle's home
Death exercisess a ritualistic procedure in culture. In the Christian and Islamic religions, the dead are buried, sometimes with extra...

Return to Bhubaneswar, My sister's doctoral thesis
We returned to Bhubaneswar early evening. The Car Festival in Puri had some incidents. Among the temples in India, the priests in Sri...