The Vedas and Panini
The Vedas of India are known to be the oldest existing literature in the world. Literature has a value proposition to it as against the...

Sanskrit Language
Sanskrit is not an easy language to master. It captures the essence of human communication and prepares a framework as our mind prepares...

Plenary Session, Ramayana in Thailand
Among the many contributions of Indian thinkers to the world is the discovery of human mind as a major component in operating human life....

"India Studies" and the West
Indian knowledge system in the early period of India got organized into six distinct branches of inquiry. There is no orderly...

Rasa-Sankhya and Musings on Language
The traditional Indian schooling was offered through residential institutions called "gurukula" that existed in various population...

Sanskrit scholars from Orissa, Sanskrit play
Orissa is a land of dichotomy. Tucked at the coast with mostly unspoiled landscape, it has developed a rich culture by retaining an old...

Arts and Education in Sanskrit
We have now set up a routine for the Conference: get up at 5 AM, have coffee, review the previous day's seminars, share views and issues,...

Poetry Meet and General Body Meeting
It was Friday, the last day of the Conference. We had a Sanskrit Poets' meeting in the morning, followed by the general body meeting of...

Studying inscriptions
Writing like music is an art. It is a process of recording our speech for possible future use. It is believed to have developed through...

Inscriptions, script, alphabet
The similarity of the Khmer alphabet to the Oriya alphabet fascinated me. The Oriya alphabet has not been easy to be classified because...